Holderness Art Show presents:
A showcase of art style
David Bellamy and Jenny Keal
Monday 29th April 2019
At Burton Pidsea Memorial Hall – 10am-3pm – (Entrance to the day is by pre-purchased tickets only)

We are pleased to announce that David Bellamy [watercolour] and Jenny Keal [pastel] are coming to Burton Pidsea Memorial Hall to showcase their style of art.
Date 29th April 2019
Time 10am-12pm David Bellamy
12pm-1pm Lunch
1pm – 3pm Jenny Keal
Venue Burton Pidsea Memorial Hall, Back Lane, Burton Pidsea, HU12 9AN
Cost £25 for full day, no half day tickets, inc. tea and coffee [please bring own pack lunch]
This will be a popular event and to be able to manage numbers and advise our artists please note that there will be no sales of tickets on the door.
Ticket collection by arrangement.
For further information 01964 670269